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Who is Travis

More about me

The developer
For 15+ years I've been involved in all facets of web development.

Whether it's front-end development, back-end & database integration or graphic/ux design; I have prior experience in all areas of web. Here's a quick breakdown of my specialties but by no means a complete listing - contact me directly for confirmation on your application's requirements.

HTML & HTML5 - 15 years Experience

CSS & CSS3 - 15 years Experience

Javascript - 10 years Experience

jQuery - 10 years Experience

Angular/React/Polymer - 2 years Experience

PHP - 6 years Experience

Wordpress - 6 years Experience


Discover the web.

My involvement in web development began as a hobby. While attending computer technology courses and working as a technical support rep, I self-taught myself the basics.


Gain some experience.

Soon I realized this was my calling. I started by working small freelance gigs to gain some real world experience which eventually turned into a career.


A career dedication.

Now I spend every day of my professional career continuing to absorb new techniques and practices so that I can stay on top of the ever-changing world of web development.

Working with the best

Previous employers and clients
Lowes logo
Find Your Peace logo
Your Tax Source logo
Pageland Chamber of Commerce logo
Carolina's AGC logo
TIAA logo
Commissionsez logo
1095 EZ logo
I would love to work with you

How can I help

So you've been researching and trying to understand what's involved, how long will it take and how much it will cost? Don't get stressed out! Contact me now and get first-hand information from a developer that can answer all of your questions.

Contact Travis